Orlando Bail Bond – Supreme Court: Weapons allowed on Madison buses

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Source      : Wis Law Journal News
By              : Associated Press
Category  : Orlando Bail Bond , Orlando Bail Bonds

Supreme Court: Weapons allowed on Madison buses
Supreme Court: Weapons allowed on Madison buses

The state Supreme Court has overturned an appeals court ruling and sided with a gun-rights group, concluding that the city of Madison must allow bus passengers to carry concealed weapons.

Wisconsin Carry, a gun-rights advocacy group, challenged the administrator of Madison’s Metro Transit in 2014 after it had prohibited a passenger with a concealed-carry license from bringing a gun on the bus. The group argued Metro Transit’s policy prohibiting weapons cannot supersede the state’s concealed-carry law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011.

The court ruled 5-2 in the group’s favor. Justices Shirley Abrahamson and Ann Walsh Bradley dissented. Justice Daniel Kelly wrote the majority opinion.  Wisconsin Carry President Nik Clark says the ruling will have implications across the state.  Metro Transit spokesman Mick Rusch did not immediately respond to a message.

Read More : wislawjournal.com/2017/03/07/supreme-court-weapons-allowed-on-madison-buses/

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